Saturday, May 23, 2020

Requirements of Lifeboat (complete explanation)


General requirements 

1) shall be constructed that they should have ample stability in seaways and sufficient freeboard when loaded with full complement of persons & equipment. 

2) capable of up to 10 deg trim & 20 deg list.

3) should have rigid hull & shall be capable of maintaining positive stability and fire retardant or non- combustible.

4) should be provided with non-skid walking surface.

5) 100kg weight on single seat location should support when launched from the falls and dropped from the height 3m
In case of freefall lifeboat launched at height of 1.3 times it's free fall certification height.

6) vertical distance between floor & interior of the enclosure or canopy 
    (a) not less than 1.3m for lifeboat of 9 person or            more.
    (b) not less than 1.7m for lifeboat of 24 persons            or more.

7) no lifeboat shall be approved to accommodate      more than 150 persons.

8) cargo ship lifeboat shall be arranged so that all can board by full complement of person not more than 3 min from time of instruction.

Freeboard & stability requirement :

1) all lifeboats shall be stable and have a positive GM, when loaded with 50% of no. of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accomdate.

2) lifeboat with side openings near gun whale shall have freeboard measured from waterline to the lowest opening through which the lifeboat may be flooded should be at least 1.5% of lifeboat length or 100mm whichever is greater.

3) lifeboat with gun whale shall not exceed angle of heel of 20deg remaining same as above.

Lifeboat propulsion :

1) engine shall be provide with either a manual starting system or power starting system with two independent rechargable energy source.

2) engine shall be capable of operating not less than 5min after starting from cold.

3) speed of lifeboat be when loaded with full complement should be at least 6 knots & 2 knots when towing the largest life raft carried onboard.

4) fuel should run at 6 knots for 24 hours period.

5) water resistant instructions for starting & operating the engine shall be provided.

Guys if you got any doubts in this topic, comment me below.

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