Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lifeboat equipments (SOLAS PACK A & B)

                           Lifeboat equipments 


Buoyant oars (except freefall lifeboat)
• 2 boat hooks 
• 1 buoyant bailer
• 2 buckets 
• survival manual
• compass (permanently fitted)
• 1 sea anchor
• 2 painters( length equal to not less than twice the distance from the stowage position to waterline in the lightest sea going condition or 15m whichever is greater. 
• 2 hatchets ( one at each end of lifeboat)
• 3 litres of fresh water for each person
• food ration not less than 10, 000 KJ for each person.
• rust proof dipper with landyard.
• 6 handflares
• 4 rocket parachute flares.
• 2 buoyant smoke signal 
• 1 waterproof electric torch
• signalling mirror
• 1 whistle
• 1 buoyant rescue quoit attached to not less than 30 mts of buoyant line. 
• 1 first aid kit
• Anti - sea sickness tablet for 48 hrs.
• 1 jack knife 
• LSA manual
• 1 engine toolkit
• 1 search light ( 3 hrs) (2500cd)
• 1 portable fire extinguisher
• 1 radar reflector
• 1 sea sickness bag per person 
• 3 tin openers
• 1 manual pump
• 1 set fishing tackle
• TPA (thermal protective aid) = 10% or 2 whichever is greater 


Passenger ships engaged in very short international voyages & other vessels like tugs, dredgers etc can carry SOLAS PACK B.

B pack does not include :

• tin openers
• fishing tackle 
• food rations 
• water 
• pyrotechnics shall be half of pack A
          Handflare = 3
          rocket parachute flare = 2
          Smoke = 1

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