Sunday, June 6, 2021

MLC 2006 - Maritime Labour Convention


MLC 2006 -  Maritime Labour Convention


Adopted by IMO in Feb 2006

Seafarers right to decent condition of work and helps to create conditions of fair competitions for ship owners



 To ensure comprehensive world wide protection of the rights of seafarers to provide decent working conditions for seafarers.


MLC divided into 4 layers

1   Articles

2)   Regulations

3)    Code A Mandatory

4)    Code B non mandatory


Titles of MLC

Title 1

Minimum requirement for seafarers to work on ship ( Below 16 yrs are not allowed , below 18 yrs are not allowed to work on night.)


Title 2

Conditions of employment  ( Hours of work and rest , leave , compensation on injury , wages .)


Title 3

Accomdation , recreational facilities , food and catering .

Title 4

Health protection , medical care , welfare and social security protection .


Title 5

Compliance and enforcement  ( flag state responsibilities, port state responsibilities , inspection and enforcement , maritime labour certificate , declaration of maritime labour compliance )


·        Maximum work hours shall not exceed

1)    14 hours in any 24 hours period

2)    72 hours in any seven day period


·        Minimum rest hours shall not exceed

1)    10 hours in any 24 hours period

2)    72 hours in any seven day period



Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods , one of which shall be atleast 6 hours in length

Interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours .


Areas that must be checked while MLC inspection


1)    Minimum age

2)    Qualification of seafarer

3)    Medical Certificate

4)    Employment agreement

5)    Recruitment and placement service

6)    Hours of work and rest

7)    Manning level of ship

8)    Accomadation

9)               Recreational facilities

10)                       Food and catering

11)                       Medical care onboard

12)                       Compliant procedure

13)                       Payment of wages

Certificate required


1)      MLC Certificate  ( Issued by flag state ) ( not exceeding 5 yrs validity )

2) Declaration of maritime labour compliance

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