Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Liferaft requirements, painter's breaking strength, equipments(SOLAS Pack A & B), markings

   1) Requirements of liferaft

capable of withstanding exposure for 30 days afloat in all sea condition.

• when dropped from a height of 18 meters in water, life raft & equipments will operate satisfactorily.

• floating life raft shall be capable of withstanding repeated jumps on to it from a height of at least 4.5 meters above its floor with or without the canopy
• canopy to provide insulation & protection against heat & cold 

• canopy should be 
   1) color should not cause discomfort to  occupants 
   2) provided with at lest one viewing port & means for collecting rain water.
   3) sufficient air for all occupants, even entrance is closed.
   4) means to mount radar transponder at height of at least 1 meter.

• minimum carrying capacity should not be less than 6 persons. 

• total mass of life raft,  container, equipment should not be more than 185KG.

• painter length 10m + stowage height in lightest seagoing condition (or) 15m whichever is greater.

• manual controlled lamp shall be fitted to the top of the life raft canopy (white light ),  must be operate at least 12 hours with luminous intensity not less than 4.3 cd,  not less than 50 flashes & not more than 70 flashes per min.

• manually controlled lamp shall be fitted inside the life raft capable of continuous operation of at least 12 hours. 

• when loaded with full complement of persons & equipment, capable of withstanding a lateral impact against the ship side at impact velocity of not less than 3.5 m/sec and also drop into the water from a height of not less than 3 meters without damage.  

                2) Life raft equipments


1 buoyant rescue quoit attached to not less than 30 meters of buoyant line. 
• 1 knife 
• 1 buoyant bailer
• 2 sponges
• 2 sea anchor
• 2 buoyant paddles
• 3 tin openers & a pair scissor
• 1 first aid kit
• 1 whistle
• 4 rocket parachute flares
• 6 hand flares
• 2 buoyant smoke signals
• 1 waterproof electric torch
• radar reflector
• signaling mirror
• 1 set of fishing tackle
• food ration not less than 10, 000KJ for each person
• 1.5 liters of fresh water for each person
• 1 rust proof drinking vessel
• anti sea sickness medicine for at least 48 hours
• 1 sea sickness bag for each person
• instructions on how to survive, instructions on immediate action.
• TPA for 10 % of the no of persons or two whichever is greater.


passenger ships engaged in very short international voyages & other vessels like tugs, dredger etc can carry SOLAS Pack B

• B pack does not include 
   1) tin openers
   2) fishing tackle 
   3) food rations 
   4) water

• pyrotechnics shall be half of pack A
   1) hand flare 3
   2) rocket prachute flare 3
   3) smoke 1

            3) Breaking strength of painter

• 15 kn for more than 25 person liferaft
• 10 kn for 9 - 25 person liferaft
• 7.5 kn for any other liferaft

            4) Markings on inflatable liferaft container 

makers name or trade mark 
• serial no
• name of approving authority & persons permitted to carry
• SOLAS pack
• date when serviced
• length of painter
• mass of liferaft
• launching instructions
• maximum stowing height
• name of vessel & port of registry

           5) Markings on inflatable liferaft

manufacture name
• serial no
• date of manufacture
• name of approving authority
• place where last serviced
• no of persons permitted to carry

[Guys it's one of important topic 
I have made this in such a way you guys can easily pickup also included all info.]

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