Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Launching and recovery of lifeboat

Launching of lifeboat :

1. clear forward & aft gripe, disconnect battery charger.
2. Check lifeboat drain plug.
3. Forward and aft painter should be fastened on strongest point of deck.
4. Remove harbour pin & safety pin. 
5. Embarkation ladder should be ready.
6. Check the shipside is clear.
7. Lower the lifeboat by gravity.
8. Unhook the falls, let go painter.
9. Start engine & keep clear of shipside.

Recovery of lifeboat :

1. Approach towards the painter and falls, which is hanging.
2. Propel lifeboat as per current and wind. 
3. Connect the hook.
4. Hoist the lifeboat & stop above waterline
5. Check again the hooks.
6. Start hoisting & bring upto stowing position. 
7. Put all lashings, harbour pin,  safety pin. 
8. Plug the battery charger.

Guys do you got any doubt on this topic, feel free to comment below.
Good luck.

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