Friday, June 11, 2021

Admiralty Publications(PART 2)


                    Admiralty Publications( PART 2)

Ships Routeing 

gives information regarding the various routes throughout the world


 Part A – General , Design criteria and Symbols

Part B – TSS ( Traffic separation scheme )

Part C – Deep water routes

Part D – Areas to be avoided

Part E – Other routeing measures

Part F – Associated rules and recommendations of navigation


Admiralty List of Lights and Fog signals(NP 74 – 84)

  Total volume 14 ( numbered alphabetically )

·       Published every 18 months

·       Volume F ( NP 79 ) is for India

·       It gives following information  

-         Geographical range table

-         Luminous range table

-         Light characteristics

-         Abbreviation of fog signal and light

-         Explanations

Admiralty List of RadioSignals ( NP 281 – 286 )

   It contains six volumes

1)    Coastal Radio Stations

2)    Radio Navigational Aids

3)    Marine Safety Information Services

4)    Meteorological Observation Stations

5)    Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

6)    Pilot Services , VTS and Port operations


·       It republished every year except Volume 4 , it published every 18 months

·       Correction of this publication by weekly notice to mariners section 6


Admiralty Tide Tables(NP 201 – 208)

Issued Annually

·       Total volume 8

1)    UK , Ireland

2)    Europe and Mediterrean Sea , North Atlantic Ocean

3)    Indian Ocean

4)    South Pacific Ocean

5)    South China Sea

6)    North Pacific Ocean

7)    East Coast of South America

8)    West Coast of Africa


·       It contains two parts

Part  1 – Gives information of Standard Ports

Part  2 – Gives information of Secondary Ports


Admiralty Tidal Stream atlas

It gives tidal prediction for every hour including rate and direction of the spring and neep tide of each six hour before and after high water for particular place

·       It does not have compass rose

·       Direction is shown by tidal arrow

·       Diamond indicates the Geographical position

·       Totally there are 21 Atlases and 2 Co – Atlases


Note – Tidal diamond in chart gives the rate and direction of spring and neep tide every six hours before and after high water of that specific place.

It is indicated either in top or bottom of the chart


Ocean  Passage of the world NP 136 (1) and (2)

It has two  volumes

·       1 – Atlantic Ocean

2 -  Indian and Pacific Ocean


·       It gives information of the passage across the oceans with the wind , current data and ice hazards.


Guide to Port Entry

It is published in two volumes

Volume 1 – A to K

Volume 2 – L to Z

·       Each volume gives following information

-         Information about Port and approaches

-         Information about List of Important Ports

·       It also gives general information about the approach of the Port

Will revert with Admiralty publications(Part 3) shortly

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Good Luck.



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