Tuesday, June 2, 2020

ISM code ( International Safety Management for Safe Operation of ships & for Pollution Prevention)

ISM code ( International Safety Management for Safe Operation of ships & for Pollution Prevention)

Adapted by IMO on 4th November 1993
became mandatory on 1st July 1998

Purpose :

To  provide international standards for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.

Objective :

to ensure safety at sea
to prevent human injury and loss of life
to avoid damage to marine environment and to ships

applies to all ships >500 GT

ISM code has two parts

  Part A - Implementation
  Part B - Certification & Verification

Contents :

General objectives
Safety & environmental policy (SMS)
company responsibility
designated person ashore
master's responsbility
resources & personal
developments of plans for shipboard operation
emergency prepareness
report & analysis on non conformities
maintenance of ship equipment
company verification ,review & evaluation

Requirement under ISM code :

1) DPA - who should monitor the safety & pollution aspect 
2) ship manned with qualified , certified & medical 

Functional requirements of SMS :

safety and environmental protection policy
instruction and procedure for safe operation of ships and protection of environment
procedure of reporting accidents and non confirmities
procedures to prepare for emergency situations 
procedures for internal audit and management reviews

Masters responsibility and authority under SMS :

implementing safe and pollution prevention company policy.
motivating crew in observation of policy
overriding authority and responsibility to take decision
report deficiencies to shore

Certificates :

DOC - issued to company
SMC - issued to ship
safety management manual on each ship

DOC - Document Of  Compliance :

DOC is issued to company based on ship.
issued by flag state after auditing of company's safety management system(SMS).
validity 5 years .subject annual verification.
if major non confirmity found during audit, DOC is withdrawn.
DOC kept with company and copy of  DOC kept in ship

DOC issued to company after full filling following criteria :

compliance with ISM code
evidence providing that it is effectively implemented.
evidence determining company's SMS in operation for 3 months.
SMS has been in operation onboard at least in one ship of each type, operated 
by company for at least 3 months.
read of internal audit performed by company ashore & onboard.

Interim DOC :

It is for new company or for an existing company. if new ship enters the company's fleet .for DOC, company is requested to submit SMS within period of 12 months. still this time flag state will issue an interim DOC . it is valid for 12 months. 

Short term DOC :

within 12 months period .flag state will conduct detailed audit of shore and ship . on completion of audit flag state will cancel interim DOC and issue short term DOC as a proof of SMS compliance by company.
if major non confirmity found during audit SMC and DOC can withdrawn.

Safety Management Certificate (SMC) :

issued to ship by flag state after audit and verifies that the company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with approved safety management system.
validity 5 years and required intermediate audit verification between 2 to 3 years
original kept on ship ,copy kept in company
major non confirmity found during audit SMC and DOC can withdrawn.

Interim SMC :

issued to new ship at an initial level ,validity 6 months.
within 6 months audit made by flag state 

Short term SMC :

after audit by flag state, once verified approved SMS in place . Short term SMC issued .
validity 6 months.

Note :

The nature of non confirmity may provide a base for increasing the frequency of intermediate verification.
only the issuing administration( flag state ) may withdraw SMC/DOC.
PSC cannot withdraw DOC/SMC. it informs the administration( flag state).
When DOC is withdrawn , SMC is automatically invalid.

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